Dinter 2019 (edital finalizado)

Finally, it is essential that your thesis is read by several people. On the one hand, have your work proofread by an academic person (notably your thesis director), who will judge the merits. Its objective and constructive feedback will help you better structure your ideas and your reflections. Something that is difficult to do without having the necessary hindsight. On the other hand, entrusting your thesis correction to go to the website is crucial to avoid errors. Here, we focus more on the form, that is to say on the formulation, syntax, punctuation or even spelling. Your thesis must be flawless, both in substance and form. CRM is an interface that manages all information flows. It centralizes all customer and supplier data to share it with employees, whatever the business. For example, it improves the business relationship while informing marketing at all levels. Managers can thus follow the progress of sales teams in relation to the objectives set for them, while marketing managers evaluate their communication campaign and gain visibility on the customer journey. The CRM even includes the data collected on social networks so that the shopping experience can be improved.
CRM is from every point of view the solution to optimize the working time of all employees.